Алпиниада – Матка, Македония – 10-12 май 2013

Matka, near Skopje, Macedonia

Покана от Македонската федерация по катерене и алпинизъм за алпиниада в Матка, Македония, от 10 до 12 май 2013 г. Катерачният обект е близо до Скопие.


Dear friends,

It is my pleasure on behalf of our Federation to invite you to our traditional annual climbing meeting at Matka, near Skopje. The meeting is dedicated to the late Macedonian alpinists and we organize it for 30 years now and it will be our pleasure to be your hosts.

This year the dates are: 10th till 12th of May.

Accommodation: you can either stay in hotel in Skopje or in a hotel at Matka (for this you have to make reservations as soon as possible because of the limited capacity) or you can camp near the climbing area (very nice meadow with shades and with a water spring).

Arriving at Matka: We offer to pick you up from the Skopje airport (or bus/railway station) and take you to Matka. Also if you arrive with your own car we can meet you in Skopje and help you get to Matka. It takes about 20 minutes to get from the center of Skopje to the Matka canyon.

Climbing: there are many possibilities on good quality limestone – either short bolted routes or multipitch climbing with in situ pegs. There is no guidebook, but our climbers will be at your disposal to help you around choosing the best line that you would like to climb and suits your abilities.

Slovenian climbers have made their mark in the climbing areas in Macedonia: the first climb on Matka was done by Otmar Hudomalj (Slovenian born in Skopje) who unfortunately died during that try at the very exit of the route; one of the first routes done on the biggest rock face in Macedonia (600m face of Jakupica, Solunska Glava) was done solo by Uros Zupancic; his own routes on MAtka and Solunska has Pavle Kozjek; more and more climbers come in Prilep to do bouldering etc.

We hope that this meeting will be another chance of establishing better cooperation and just plainly having fun together on our rocks!

Expacting your answer and any questions about details of this meeting and its organization.
Here is a link with a photo of the part of the routes up the Matka’s main face:

Kind regards,

Igor Talevski
-President of the Macedonian Alpine Climbing Federation

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