Този уикенд в Македония, Демир Капия

Катерачен фестивал

По-долу може да видите официалната покана към българските алпийски клубове за участие в международната катерачна среща в местността Демир Капия, Македония.

Който има възможност и желание – дерзайте, Дихатели!


We have pleasure and owner to invite you on the next Climbing Festival 09,10 and 11 of October in Demir Kapija, Macedonia .

Climbing will be in the canyon Demir Kapija, presentation in the Cinema of Demir Kapija and sleeping in the climbing Hut “Kalabaster” in Demir Kapija. Who is want to stay in tents, also is possible behind of the climbing Hut and it is free.

The schedule of the festival is follow:

Friday, 08.10.2010


Saturday, 09.10.2010

Climbing, climbing, and climbing. . .

20.00h – Night with Stasa Gejo, (Serbia) – presentation of the World Champion in sport climbing for 2010, in category under 14 and the youngest girl climber who climb 8b. Her way to the victory – Cinema Hall Demir Kapija.

Sunday, 10.10.2010

Rock Trip – until sunrise to the sun

20.00h – Night with the best climbing photograph in Macedonia, Goran Kuzmanovski – presentation of his photos.

Monday, 11.10.2010

Climbing, climbing and climbing . . .

Closing of the climbing festival!

We hope to see you in Demir Kapija!



Ul. 11 Oktomvri 42a,

1000 Skopje


Tel./Fax.+389 2 3165 540



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